Stem Cells
Stem Cell treatment in Orthopaedics is a rapidly growing area in which stem cells from the body are used to augment, promote, and accelerate healing. Stem cells are derived from the bone marrow and are considered “pluripotent” cells, meaning that they do not have a pre-determined cell lineage and can theoretically differentiate into various cells types.
Angel System Used to Process Stem Cells

Harvesting stem cells requires aspirating bone marrow from a patient’s bone. The harvested cells are processed to form a Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) containing platelets, nuclear, and progenitor cells. BMC can then be injected into soft tissues, joints, or applied to a repair or healing site.
Featured in Arthroscopy Techniques
Dr. Chen's surgical technique for harvesting stem cells from the notch of the knee has been featured in Arthroscopy Techniques - The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery.
Arthroscopic Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Harvesting From the Intercondylar Notch of the Knee
Common Questions About Stem Cells
What are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are cells that are “pluripotent”, which mean that they have the potential to turn into any type of cell in the body.
Where do we get Stem Cells from?
Stem cells are harvested by aspirating bone marrow from the patient’s bone. The most common locations for aspiration are the Iliac Crest of the pelvis and the intercondylar notch of the knee. After bone marrow has been aspirated, it is concentrated into Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC).
How does BMC work/How do Stem Cells promote healing?
Bone Marrow Concentrate has a very high concentration of mesenchymal stem cells, platelet derived growth factors, and progenitor cells, which can potentially assist with cartilage repair and speed up healing.
Surgical Technique Video
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